What Causes Incomplete Sterilization?

1. Improper handling of mold:
The mycelium and spores of general miscellaneous bacteria can be killed by normal pressure at 100°C for 6-8 hours or 121°C for 0.5-2 hours. At present, edible fungi culture materials are often sterilized by high pressure. When using
high-pressure sterilization, the key is to drain the cold air from the pot. Otherwise, the pot will not be able to reach saturated steam pressure and the sterilization temperature will not meet the requirements.
2. Influence of the properties of the culture material:
The type of materials required for seed production, the bacteria content, water content and pH in the culture material can all affect the sterilization effect. When sterilizing, the corresponding sterilization time should be selected according to the different formulas of the culture materials. Judging from the microbial content of the culture material before sterilization, the higher the number of microorganisms, the longer the sterilization time, and vice versa. Therefore, the culture material must be sterilized in time after preparation to prevent microorganisms from multiplying in large numbers and causing the bacteria content in the material to rise. High, and will cause nutrient loss in the material. The thermal conductivity of water is stronger than solids such as wood chips and manure. If the moisture in the culture material is uniform and appropriate, the sterilization effect will be good. In addition, the pH of the culture material also affects the sterilization effect. The sterilization time of acidic culture material is shorter than that of neutral and alkaline culture materials.

3. Improper stacking of culture bottles (bags):
When stacking culture bottles (bags) in the autoclave, leave a certain amount of space to allow steam to circulate and heat up.

4. The influence of strain bottles or strain bags:

Spawn bottles or strain bags are generally chosen for seed production. Plastic bags transfer heat quickly, while glass bottles transfer heat slowly. When using the same culture material and the same sterilization method, the sterilization time of bottled material is slightly longer than that of bagged material.

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