The key points of high-efficiency management of oyster mushroom cultivation in cold wave weather

In the low temperature and cold wave weather, the following points should be paid attention to in the cultivation of oyster mushroom:
1. Insulation measures for mushroom sheds: In order to quickly heat up the greenhouse in cold weather, the old shed film should be replaced or cleaned up before the low temperature weather comes, and the damaged parts of the coverings such as felts and quilts should be repaired in time; double film covering or Hanging sunshade nets on the south side of the shed can significantly increase the temperature of the shed; block the air vents to avoid cold air intrusion. Hang the curtain of the mushroom shed to reduce the number of times of entering and exiting the mushroom shed; check and reinforce the shed, tighten the shed film, and prevent losses caused by wind, rain, and snow.
2. Cultivation and management measures: The evaporation in the shed in low temperature weather is small, the mycelium respiration will be reduced under low temperature conditions, and the water consumption will be correspondingly reduced. The water in the shed is relatively stable. Therefore, do not spray too much water at this time. Generally, spray water once every 1-2 days. When spraying water, try to ventilate as much as possible, and do not spray water in a closed manner to avoid the increase in humidity and hinder the growth of fruit bodies, causing the mushroom cover to roll up, diseases and insects, and even yellow and die; heat preservation is covered by the late cover and early cover, and the noon sun is used to raise the temperature . Ventilation should be carried out at noon when the wind is small and the temperature is high.
3. Countermeasures for abnormal fruiting: When the temperature is low and the fruit body grows slowly, the nutrient continues to be supplied in large quantities, and the factor body cannot spread the nutrients in time, which causes the accumulation of nutrients. Therefore, nodules are easily formed on the surface of the fruit body, the root cause It is caused by the variety not adapting to low temperature. In order to prevent this phenomenon, try to increase the night temperature in the shed and reduce the temperature difference between day and night. The most important thing is to understand the characteristics of different varieties and use low temperature resistant varieties in the low temperature season.

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